Monday, April 29, 2013

Sneaky Peeks!

  No new nails today, I'm too busy running around doing projects (after today I have a project due every day!). I do, however, have a cool sneak peek for you! Remember that book project I was telling you about a couple weeks ago? Well I'm halfway done with it! And I have some photos for you... :)
  Here's a picture of my book. It's an antique copy of Little Women (1896).

   I thought this was cool. I love it when there are inscriptions in the covers!

  So I have two 'sections' in my book sculpture. The first section is done! It's an illustration of the March family reading a letter from their father. (For those of you that don't know, Mr March is in the Civil War). Behind this illustration are two scanned postcards that my dad sent me when I was younger. (He's a pilot and used to go on trips all the time. He'd always send my brother and I postcards from nearly every place he went).

    The second section is the one I'm working on now. It's going to be an illustration of Jo March scribbling away in the attic. Coming 'out of her head' are illustrations from my favorite stories and snippets from some stories that I have written. So far I have most of the illustrations cut out, and I still have to hollow out the second section. Here's a rough draft of what the second section is going to look like. (The black lines are where story snippets are supposed to go).

    I still can't believe that I've done this to a book! Especially an antique book. Me, the one that never dog-ears pages and takes the utmost care of her books. Who buys antique books and treasures them... It took me forever to make the first cut on this book. I probably set there and stared at it for at least five minutes before I cut it!
    I am really excited about it though! As long as it looks like it's supposed to, It'll be ok that I've 'ruined' an amazing book. Mostly. :)  It'll be done by Wednesday, so I'll post some more pictures when it's done!!

I also have an amazing nail project..! It's pretty much done, so I'll post pictures of it too!!